A Look Into the Past

Do you remember Pochi back when we had those colorful walls?!

We had orange, red, green and yellow walls! It was perfect for the holidays because our walls were already on theme. Sometimes we’d even play reggae music because it just fit the whole feel of the place.

Some of you even tell us that you MISS these colorful walls! And part of the reason, as you have told us, is because we weren’t the up-tight business that was spotless and perfect. It was a chill, hangout spot. A second home.

And that’s what we’ll always try to be for all of you! Regardless of how our store looks, we will always do our best to serve you. This is a place for family and friends. And it is a place to feel welcomed and where YOU belong!

This is why we serve Bubble Tea AND Food. Why we have worked so hard in improving our serve line to provide fast, efficient service. Why we have rearranged our store countless times to create more seating. Why we provide board games (even though, they honestly get trashed a lot and we have to replace them fairly often). Why we have worked on better training and hiring.

Pochi has always been a great hangout spot. It has always been a second home for many who visit including me! Before I was an owner of Pochi, I was a customer who would come here to spend time with friends and family a lot! Anytime our family got together for a family party was just another excuse to grab Pochi.

Regardless of what Pochi’s decor and appearance may be, we will continue to keep making memories together.