2023 Resolution Check In


Happy Spring Pochi fam! Can you believe that it’s already nearing the end of March? We can’t believe it either! With sunshine just around the corner and flowers on the verge of full bloom, it’s time to get our affairs in order and do a little check in with ourselves. Spring cleaning isn’t just for around the house anymore, but rather what we could afford to “clean” up in our own lives.

Remember those New Year's Resolutions you made at the beginning of the year? Well, we’re here to offer a bit of guidance for those that DID follow through with their goals and those that may need a bit of help getting on track. Whether it be implementing more positivity into your days, working on your health, or even just finding motivation with getting your schedule back on track, we have got you covered with some of our favorite Amazon finds that will surely resuscitate those resolutions!

As we emerge from a long winter, it can be difficult to make sure your schedule is in order to prepare for what’s to come. Whether it be starting a new quarter of school, taking on new work projects, or even making room for hobbies throughout the week, here at Pochi, we know how hard it can be to juggle multiple priorities at once. By keeping organized and visually on-track, tasks can become a breeze and it will be easier to keep yourself accountable when you physically write down what needs to be accomplished. One of our favorite ways to stay on track and motivated is definitely some cute stationary, which could include a beautiful, leather bound journal or a daily planner that has your favorite stickers to keep you going. Remember: write it down and watch your productivity transform!

Motivation to keep up with your goals isn’t always physically tangible, and we know how important it is to maintain a good balance with your mental health as well. Sometimes, words of motivation are exactly what you need to continue your goals and see that there IS a light at the end of the tunnel. Even if those around you may not recognize your love language to be words of affirmation, we’ve got you covered! We’ve been loving daily calendars with motivating messages printed on them, reminding us that every day is full of possibility, and plus, we look forward to seeing the next message every day!

“When the new year starts, so will my journey for health and fitness!” We’ve all heard it so many times before, and may even be a victim of saying it ourselves! If you haven’t stuck to your fitness plan since the new year, not to worry! It can be intimidating at first to make the promise of going to the gym or finding outdoor activities to use as exercise – trust us, been there, done that! If venturing outside the confines of your room for a good workout isn’t exactly your forte, we’ve added some of our favorite picks to succeed in a home workout that will help you reach your goals one step faster! If the gym IS your thing, don’t worry, we’ve also got you covered! From pre-workout to our favorite protein powder, we’ve got the right tools for you to get your gains! 

When considering your health, one of the major things that often gets overlooked is your skin. Your health is your wealth, and that includes all parts of yourself! If it wasn’t already, improving your skincare routine is an awesome way to take care of yourself and can even make you feel more confident to take on the day. Being the biggest organ of the human body, why wouldn’t we want to make sure that our skin is well taken care of? It’s never too late to get down a good routine, and we’ve even included a few of our favorite picks that will get your skincare on the right track. 

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