FAQ: What is Taro?

One of our most popular bubble teas is Taro. Anything with Taro is very popular, in fact, but what is it exactly?

Photo from InSearchOfYummyness.com

Photo from InSearchOfYummyness.com

Taro root is from the tropical, taro plant (Colocasia esculenta). It is believed to be native to Southern India and Southeast Asia, however it is widely cultivated in other parts of the world as well. It has been a staple in many different cultures for thousands of years as it is also believed to be one of the earliest cultivated plants.

Taro Root and its plant leaves are toxic when raw. Once cooked, they are safe to consume and has a similar consistency/texture to potatoes. The flavors of taro are described to be very earthy and nutty. Taro also has some light purple coloring in its flesh, which is why most Taro Bubble Tea drinks are purple in color. There are so many ways to prepare and use Taro though. It is great in desserts or cooked similar to a potato.


Taro Milk Tea

Taro Milk Tea

  1. Taro-Oreo
  2. Taro
  3. Taro Strawberry
  4. Taro Banana
  5. Taro Coconut
  6. Pochi’s “Fruity Pebbles” Drink
  7. Taro Red Bean
Taro Oreo Shake

Taro Oreo Shake