Pochi Crew Christmas Party 2018 - Recap

Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!

Our team celebrated a week before Christmas and held our annual White Elephant Gift Exchange! Always such a fun time when we do this!

If you’ve never played before, here’s a quick rundown of what it is and our rules. We asked everyone to bring in a gift with a minimum purchase of $25. It has to be work appropriate of course. No labeling the gifts. All the gifts are compiled in one spot under the tree. Everyone picks numbers out of a bag indicating when it will be their turn. We go from 1 to 27 in our case. Each person has the choice to open a gift or steal from someone who already opened a gift. If a gift has been stolen twice, it is locked out which means it cannot be stolen anymore.

Lots of presents. Lots of stealing. And lots of laughs!!
