Gen Z Vs. Millenials, TV Shows & Movies


Taking on perspectives from two different generations, Megan, Sai, Ralph, and Malyn discuss their views on different aspects of life. Ranging from social trends to favorite childhood movies, the differences are fascinating and surprising. Malyn and Ralph grew up at the beginning of the Tech boom, and Megan and Sai are growing up in one of the most technologically advanced eras. Discussing how growing up in different times unlocks memories and perspectives that may have you thinking “oh yeah, I remember that”! Grab a cup of tea and listen in on both sides of the turn of the century!


Generational Differences and the Future 

At the front of this episode we discuss the upbringing of the internet and the beginning stages of technology. Malyn and Ralph explain how they have grown up seeing the internet grow up beside them. The roots of where it all started keeps Megan and Sai at the edge of their seats throughout this episode. Story time begins as our millennials ask… Does anyone else remember ‘ask Jeeves’? Some of us learned that before the internet, finding information was not always so effortless as it is in present day. 

We know that there are going to be some general differences between every generation, but we feel like it's something to embrace and discuss. It's important to remember that GenZ has so much more information at the tip of their fingertips compared to what millennials had access to. How does that impact our outlooks and the ways that we think? We discuss our thoughts on the metaverse, VR simulations, robots, etc. and how this may change our near future. We also begin to wonder how new advancements and lifestyles have impacts on us individually and from a business standpoint. This falls into the next discussed topic of a constantly changing society that leaves us wondering what the next trend will be. 

The Next Trend 

How many of us feel like it's impossible to keep up with the newest trends? Whether it be fashion, lifestyle, social, etc. it feels like something is in one week and out the next. We discuss our obsessions with technology and how this contributes to constantly refreshing trends in all aspects of life. 

Although we all admit to falling victim to society’s ways, we can all agree that being self aware is sometimes the best thing that you can do in such a fast paced world. Megan, Sai, Ralph, and Malyn even reminisce about the days when Pochi was full of kids playing games, living in the moment, and enjoying their times without their phones at Pochi. Little things like that show that technology has changed the way we live our lives and how we spend time with our loved ones. With that being said, maybe its necessary to take a step away from social trends every once in a while and live for the present, as it is the best gift. 

Nostalgic and Pivotal Movies and Shows

Think of your favorite childhood movie or show…do you remember watching it on dinosaur looking tv’s or sleek flat screen tvs? Discussing things that remind us of our childhood can be nostalgic and even heartwarming. We talk about pivotal movies and sentimental shows that take us back to comforting times. Follow us as we dive into the early 2000’s and, on the flip side, the near future! 

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